Friday, November 4, 2016

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!

*I started writing this a few months ago while I was at a low point. Over the following weeks as I added to, wrote and rewrote this,  I experienced ups and downs and ups and downs and ups again. It is raw in some places and unemotional in others. It is a jumble of  words, thought and emotions just like I am. But my hope in sharing is that it might help someone else.*

I really am to the point of exhaustion. I feel like I am just out of steam mentally, physically and emotionally. I feel like I am on the brink of just giving up but I know that will just cause me to spiral further into a depression and feeling like a failure.

See, I don't remember a time when I wasn't sick. I was diagnosed with a rare skin disease at the age of 5 that has no cause and no cure but has left me scared and disfigured. Daily physical pain and discomfort along with mental and emotional hurt trying to cope with symptoms, physical changes and the relational challenges that it comes with can be overwhelming. The skin of the effected area is very thin and tears easily with the slightest pressure. The healing has caused scaring as well as fusing. There is also shrinking of the area in addition to the disappearance of other parts of my body in that same area. It is asymptomatic in other areas only showing as white patches of skin similar to Vitaligo.
By the time I was 6, I had gone through tubes 4 times in each ear and was wearing hearing aids because there had been so much scaring and I was left with problems hearing above middle C. Learning was a challenge as well as being the obviously different kid at school. I stopped wearing them at about 12 because I hated them. I still can't hear well and don't catch all of what people say. I ask "what" repeatedly or I go with the bits that I did hear and hope I piece the conversation together right. Or I smile and make some sort of awkward reply and hope it works. And if I am facing you, all the better because I can read your lips a little and piece together what I think I heard for an even more accurate conversation. It was around that time that I was pulled out of school in favor of Homeschooling. It was in part due to my brother being bullied and in part due to me missing 20-40 days of school every year due to one illness or another. I was hospitalized a few times with the Flu and was never surprised by a diagnosis of Strep Throat.

 At 15, after years of pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses wreaking havoc due to a weakened immune system I was diagnosed with Asthma. At 16, Mitral Valve Prolapse or a "leaky" heart valve that has caused palpitations, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, difficulty breathing, as well as pain and pressure in my chest at times. At 17, Hypoglycemic. I spent years trying to find a balance in regulating my sugar levels and unfortunately it wasn't always the right way.

 After years and years of symptoms, at 27 I was diagnosed with PCOS or polysistic ovarian syndrome. Infertility, weight gain and an increased difficulty in loosing weight, anxiety and depression, baldness that lead me to wearing wigs, excess facial hair that I shave a few times a day to keep it the unnoticeable as well as pelvic pain that will vary in intensity on any given day.

At 28 I began feeling intense pain and loss of feeling in my hands and arms. If I am working on a project or holding an object all I feel is pain and I can no longer feel the object. I can only watch what I am doing and either continue or wait until it passes. There is no specific activity that brings it on and it happens during any time of day or night. There is also no position or angel that helps alleviate the pain as it happens when I am standing, sitting, or laying down. I am often woken in the middle of the night, crying in pain, with relief and rest only found by standing up and leaning against the wall. As of recently, I am hoping, this is caused by a B12 deficiency. After a few weeks there has been little or no improvement but it has always been worse in the colder winter months so the verdict is still out.

 At 32, and again after years and years of symptoms, Candida overgrowth. This has brought poor memory, allergies, depression, anxiety and panic attacks, mentally overwhelming cravings and then intense withdrawal when I am overcome by the cravings, itching, diarrhea, extremely poor digestion which causes little nutritional absorption, chronic post-nasal drip, and chronic recurring fungal infections of the skin.  Now treating that and eliminating things that cause problems has revealed allergies to two categories of food that encompass almost everything. I get to look at everything I eat and figure if it is going to cause an anaphylactic reaction of a swelling tongue and or closing throat.

 At 35, Meralgia Paresthetica which is a numbness in my outer left thigh due to pressure on the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that causes now almost constant discomfort/pain ranging from uncomfortable tingling to searing burning pain.  And now at 36, Perimenopause? Because with everything else, lets just toss hot flashes and night sweats into the deal along with more frequent emotional outbursts and mood swings.

As I was growing up I didn't know how to relate with people. I tried to smile and act happy all the time. I didn't want to be a bother to people, bring others down, draw attention to my differences, or have them think poorly of me. "I'm fine" or "I'm doing great, how about you were and sometimes still are my standard answers, quickly deflect and redirect. As a child, young adult and even still, with so much going on, how do I answer that honestly. It was private and awkward to explain, 99% of people can't relate, and again I didn't want people seeing me wrong, so I just don't try. Plus, it is what I was used to. It might be a rough day, it might hurt, there might be pain and irritation, a new tear or fissure, but that is what normal is for me, so how else do I answer other than fine or great? Do you have an hour? Do you know what you are getting yourself into asking me that? Do you really want to know or are you just being socially polite? Better to seem the happy, friendly, shy, awkward, loaner girl. 

You know at times, my heart hurts for people who are diagnosed later in life with chronic illness because they remember what life was like before. They remember all the things they used to be able to do and they now watch as their body, personality or outlook changes as they struggle with this new body that they don't even recognize.

This is all I have known. I try not to dwell on my problems or let them get me down but I have my moments when it all becomes overwhelming. I want to push forward and show myself I can do it, I can beat it all whether there is a cure or not. But I get tired of pain. Tired of being strong. Tired of trying to grin and bare it. Tired of struggling and fighting for balance. Tired of pretending I'm okay. Tired of trying to act normal. Tired of pain. Tired of feeling out of control. Tired of exhaustion. Tired of coping. Tired of feeling betrayed by my body. Tired of being careful. Tired of only treating symptoms and never curing diseases. Tired of making progress and having set backs and then starting all over again, over and over again. Tired of feeling less then female. Tired of pain. Tired of crying in the middle of the night. Tired of being exhausted. Tired of loneliness. Tired of things that will never be.
I have these down moments. I feel trapped here at times. It might be days or weeks, but eventually I see the sun again and life continues forward. I put on my happy face. Normal is a facade, but I refuse to wallow in self-pity. I know nothing good will come from that. Try to become the happy face I wear and embrace positives beyond the physical. Try to not think about me. Focus, and then take one step at a time.

I am sick and it is invisible to the outside. And so most never suspect, never know, but I go on.

I can do this.

And in doing this, maybe I can encourage others to go on. To take it one step at a time. To not dwell on setbacks; to acknowledge the pain, frustration, loss, setbacks, new limitations. Morn for a time. But remember that you are more then your illness. More than your struggle. More then your limitations. More then your setbacks. More then just physical. More then just mental.

You are beautiful. You are loved. You are wonderfully made. You are perfect the way you are. And you are not alone. You are never alone.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's Been Awhile.

Wow, it really has been awhile, and a whole lot has changed in my life. I will catch you all up on what has been going on over the next few days. Or at least that is my hope, but I know there is the possibility that it might not happen and I will disappear for a few more months. So, I could give you all the short version or I could give you the long version, let’s just see what happens when I put my fingers to the keys.

Ok, I last wrote July of 2013. I had been dating a guy for about 7 months. I had been thinking about a lot of things, him, me, what I wanted in a partner/future husband, and what I didn't want. It took a lot of courage, fear, determination and anything else I could muster to end things with him. Not because he was some horrible person but because I knew he wasn't the guy for me. He had a lot of good qualities and it was hard for me to end it with him. I thought I should love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him because he was good to me and all this other stuff. But my heart just wasn't there. I had to tell myself that it was ok. If he isn't the one then he isn't the one and no matter how great he may or may not be wasn't going to change that, and it wasn't good for either of us. I had to take a look and see why I wanted out. Was I just scared to be alone? Was I just scared to stay with him? Was I making up negatives, or was I glamorizing positives beyond what they really were?

I broke up with him but I didn't know why and I panicked, so we got back together the next day. I knew he wasn't good for me long term but I was also scared to have him out of my life. I was unhappy, I still knew he wasn't good for me but I tried to force myself to stay because of all of his positive qualities and because everyone else liked him. I finally had to end it a month later and be strong and not look back. It wasn't good for me to be so upset and unhappy all the time. It didn't matter how great he was or what others thought of him. I knew he wasn't the guy for me and I needed to trust my gut and instincts. Although if I had done that from the start I would never have dated him in the first place.

It was a learning experience for me and also a reminder that I needed to trust myself. The times in my life when I have ignored my heart or my gut, I have made choices that didn't end well. It will probably happen again sometime in my future, but for now the reminder is fresh. So here’s hoping it lasts a while. :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Fun

Starting today I am taking on a challenge. Just a little something fun to do this summer, I am going to be starting a 60 day photo challenge.  Why? Well, 1. it sounds like fun. 2. I like a challenge and making sure I take and post one pick a day will be a challenge and rewarding when I finish. And 3. I want to see my world a little more, a little different. To challenge what I see as beautiful, interesting, creative or just silly.
I might give explanation to my photos or I might feel the pic speaks for itself. Also feel free to let me know what you think. And of course since this is me, there will probably be a few times when I just can't decide on one and will post a few. :-D
 Well here is my first one.
A Self Portrait:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Sisterhood No One Wants To Join

Well mother's day is coming as it does every year and I am preparing.  Not to celebrate what is a joyous day for so many blessed women, but to survive the most gut wrenching, heart breaking day of the year. And to most I will do so in silence because I don't want to bring down their special day and because so few truly understand.
Mothers day is such a hard day for me because I am not a mother, have never been, and not for a lack of trying, will never be.  
I spent my childhood like a lot of girls, playing house and dreaming of having my own family someday. I grew up knowing that I would work and then when I had children I felt called that I would be a stay-at-home mom. I dreamt of a having 10 children and in the early years of marriage my Ex and I chose names for all of them. I prayed for each of them by name for years. I also prayed that God would give me wisdom, patients, lots of love, gentleness, firmness, and understanding. I wanted to be an awesome mom.
My Ex and I tried for 10 years to conceive.  That was 120 babies that never happened.  120 toothless smiles I would never see. 120 giggles I would never hear.  120 wet, drooling kisses I would never receive. I *desired to feel a tiny hand holding mine. Longing to hear “Mommy, I love you.”*
Most people don't understand this type of heart break. They try to be supportive and give encouragement, suggestions or * unsolicited advice about how i should “just relax”, go on a vacation or adopt. I didn't want another sarcastic offer of “please take my kids.” along with the admonition to be thankful for my freedom.*  It just piled on the hurt. If it was just that easy don't you think I would have tried that? *Friends offered consolation that I was “still young” and had “plenty of time”, but their comfort was hollow.* Heck even my ex didn't begin to understand until after we had stopped trying. *Instead, I plastered a half hearted smile on my face, gave a vague answer about “someday”* and moved on while regaining my composure.
Being around children had its ups and downs and my job played a huge role in that. I was a Nanny. I loved children and it was a perfect fit and honor to help raise other people's children while I waited for my own. but that was a two edged sword because on the down days it was torture. Holding, snuggling and loving other peoples children and knowing that I didn't have any. Seeing a child miss their parents when they left, or the extreme joy on their little faces when mom and dad would get home, off they would go running for hugs and kisses, never wanting put down. Knowing that I wasn't missed like that or loved like that by my own little one tore at me. I would go to sleep at night crying, my heart aching, and my arms empty. Crying wasn't only at night though. Snuggling with the baby, rocking him before his nap, kissing his little nose, wishing he was my own, and tears sliding down my face. And of course  the best, being in church and seeing a bright pair of angel eyes peeking over the top of the seat in front , catching my eye and smiling with a little wave, And I would leave in front of everyone as quickly as possible so as not to embarrass myself, bawling in the middle of worship.
I felt broken, a failure, *unable to achieve something as “basic” as motherhood*, The most basic purpose of being female and I couldn't do it. So what good was I?
*I kept wondering what criteria God was using in the allotment of offspring.* Why did people who didn't seem to want children get them, and I was left empty? And *if children are a blessing, what does infertility mean?* *I found my faith floundering. When each moment, hour, day, and week seemed to break my heart a little more, I truly felt I would die if God asked me to endure years of childlessness.*
It took a lot years and a lot of prayer, crying, and yelling at God. I wanted answers to my questions. I can't say that I have ever really received any answers and I don't know if I ever will. There are plan for my life and only He knows what those are. **The Lord gifts people in many different ways. He has chosen to give me the gift of infertility. It is a gift that I never wanted. I spent years trying to deny, refuse, refund, or exchange this gift before finally, and with many tears, accepting it. God only gives good gifts, and I am continually learning that He chose to make me infertile because He loves me. He has bigger dreams for me then I even have for myself. I invested years and money into trying to conceive, but the Lord repeatedly confirmed that my gift would not be pregnancy. Through one heartbreaking disappointment after another, the Lord was humbling me and drawing me closer to Him. How many times did I crawl into my heavenly Father's lap and cry, pouring out my heart to Him, begging for my blessing? After years of trying, the Lord performed a miracle. He brought peace to my heart. Infertility has left indelible marks on who I am, but I am stronger, better, and more in love with the Lord then I was before. Infertility is not an easy gift to bear, but I am learning day by day to thank the Lord for it.**
I had decided to take one last year before giving up trying but God had different plans for that year. As the months went by I felt a peace begin to fill me that I was going to be ok not having my own children. What I thought was going to be one last hard year was actually comforting. None of my questions have been answered. I still don't know why infertility was Gods plan for me but I'm ok with that. As painful as it was to come to this point, I can say that I am ok with not having a baby now. Don't get me wrong, I still have down times, or moments that catch me off guard.  Like seeing a pic of the BF grinning and holding a baby or interacting with little ones. I would have loved to see him as a father with little ones. Or hearing too much of others being pregnant. Or receiving multiple pics from the ex of his sister's new baby. Or mothers day when everyone is saying how blessed mothers are and how there is no greater joy, gives me twinges of sadness. Ok, I will be honest, its like a knife wound sometimes, but not always.
I try to remember that I have been part of  5 little ones lives, and that I have special relationships with each of them. I have also been blessed to briefly be apart of so many other little ones lives. Though its not the same as having my own, I treasure each and every one of them more then they will ever know.
*There are some things I can change, while for others I must seek the Lord's wisdom to endure my circumstances with grace.*  And for those down times I have to stop and *ask God to give me grace to survive the moment.*

The parts between the *’s are taken from the book  Hannah’s Hope by Jennifer Saake. I read this book many times over that last year of trying.  I still reread parts of it on occasion for encouragement. I used her words because they echoed my heart exactly, but they are her words.  
**Contributed by Denise England and changed to be more personal for me and also from the book.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Darkness and Light

This is just something I wrote back in 2009 that I just found. Just posting it here to share and as a holding place. Enjoy. 

Darkness builds like a giant wave gaining strength before it crashes across my mind. Pulling, dragging me from where I want to be, deeper into darkness. I say HIS name, just barely a whisper through the howling wind. HE is my comfort, my hope, light in the darkness of this day.

I think my memories are a form of torture I use against myself in the dark lonely hours of the night. At least HE is always awake to keep me company on this night.

Sleep comes and goes, the day is... blank. No pain and no joy... empty, drained.
HE is waiting... always waiting.
HE is the light of dawn.
Emptiness now covers like a fog, hiding everything just past it's veil. Hiding HIM.
I should look for HIM, HE is never far. In the light, in the darkness, in the fog, HE is there. Waiting to take my hand and pull me close to Him. Waiting to guild me through the fog... waiting. Do I look for HIM? The fog thickens with a hypnotizing numbness. My eyes can not see through this fog to find HIM. HE whispers to me in that still small voice I've heard before and comfort washes over me. The trance is broken and for a moment and I see the form of someone in the fog. I'm not alone. I peer into the haze straining to see past this veil that blinds me. I step blindly, I try and I try, if I can just...
I stop... lost. 
In this emptiness I slowly reach out my hand... and HE is there. HE was waiting. HE pulls me close and I hear HIS voice again, clear and strong. HIS light cuts through the haze that I walked into once again. Quiet healing peace surrounds me. I breath deep HIS embrace and I snuggle close on the lap of my FATHER. I am safe.