Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Darkness and Light

This is just something I wrote back in 2009 that I just found. Just posting it here to share and as a holding place. Enjoy. 

Darkness builds like a giant wave gaining strength before it crashes across my mind. Pulling, dragging me from where I want to be, deeper into darkness. I say HIS name, just barely a whisper through the howling wind. HE is my comfort, my hope, light in the darkness of this day.

I think my memories are a form of torture I use against myself in the dark lonely hours of the night. At least HE is always awake to keep me company on this night.

Sleep comes and goes, the day is... blank. No pain and no joy... empty, drained.
HE is waiting... always waiting.
HE is the light of dawn.
Emptiness now covers like a fog, hiding everything just past it's veil. Hiding HIM.
I should look for HIM, HE is never far. In the light, in the darkness, in the fog, HE is there. Waiting to take my hand and pull me close to Him. Waiting to guild me through the fog... waiting. Do I look for HIM? The fog thickens with a hypnotizing numbness. My eyes can not see through this fog to find HIM. HE whispers to me in that still small voice I've heard before and comfort washes over me. The trance is broken and for a moment and I see the form of someone in the fog. I'm not alone. I peer into the haze straining to see past this veil that blinds me. I step blindly, I try and I try, if I can just...
I stop... lost. 
In this emptiness I slowly reach out my hand... and HE is there. HE was waiting. HE pulls me close and I hear HIS voice again, clear and strong. HIS light cuts through the haze that I walked into once again. Quiet healing peace surrounds me. I breath deep HIS embrace and I snuggle close on the lap of my FATHER. I am safe.

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