Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Birthday Fun

      I have wanted to post again for a while now. I started one but it has been taking awhile for me to work out what I want to say. So it sits and waits patiently as I add a little too it here and there.
      Also for the past week my allergies have been freaking out. I have been trying to stop the inevitable. When my allergies freak I usually end up getting sick. Pneumonia or Bronchitis are my old faithful’s and they try to show up about once a year. Though I was lucky they stayed away the past 2 years. 
      My boyfriend surprised me wonderfully for my birthday this weekend!
      He scheduled a haircut and makeup session. I went short and had highlights put in. It is super different and fun for the summer.  
      We had diner at my favorite pizza place with my family. 
      A dozen roses! (I have never had a dozen roses before) and some other flowers. 
     Then we went for karaoke afterward with my BF, cousin and hubby. 
      By the end of the night I had basically lost my voice. By the time we got home the coughing had begun. The BF told me that I would not be getting a birthday kiss because I had gone viral. :( But that he would hold and snuggle with me all I wanted. :)  I took some medicine and was soon out for the night.
      And then I woke up to breakfast in bed this morning! It was fantastic! I had bacon and cheese omelet,  bacon, ham, and a crumpet with cinnamon butter. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the day awake for a little bit coughing until I would fall asleep only to wake up in time to take some more medicine and do it all again. 
      Really I'm not even sure what I'm writing right now. It just feels like I'm randomly hitting keys and I'm lucky that it is actually forming words.  I am going to try to make posting a regular habit. My goal is to post once a week, now lets’ see if I can make that goal. 

      Oh, and by the way, my birthday is not until Tuesday.

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