Monday, April 15, 2013

The Cost of Silence

     I feel that listening to inner promptings is an important aspect of communication. How important it can be to follow inner promptings to seek others out. How will others know you care or are thinking of them if you don't let them know. I feel that often when someone crosses your mind there is a reason. You don't know if they might be going through something or are feeling alone and could use a friend. Or if that one small gesture of a "Hi" might open them up to come to you at a later time when they need it most. They might not be at a point where they feel comfortable responding, but knowing that there is someone out there that cares can mean the world.
     There is a huge cost of silence that I don't think people pay much attention to. I know how easy it can be to think of people, hope they are doing well, pray for them and leave it at that. We don't want to interrupt their lives, or have our outreach be rejected, or we just don't know what to say, so we say nothing. But silence can be damaging.  Even just a quick "hi" or "thinking of you" can mean the so much.
     I had bits and pieces of  the poem that follows running through my head one night so I felt the need to get it out of my head and post it. I don't believe it is peoples intentions but its the feelings I have experienced from my specific situation.

The Cost of Silence

Do you know the cost of silence? How it ripples through a soul? Comes across as judgment or abandonment untold. Friendships and acquaintances crumbled with a breeze? Years of cherished fellowship fall with apparent ease?
The teachings as I understood were never followed through. Tax collectors and unsaved were treated with contempt. But what of love and witnessing or a little bit of grace? It wasn't seen, it wasn’t done, it hardly shown its face.
Numbers counted on one hand the lives that shown His love. But fear and shame held the few away, unable to explain. A trust was broke, a vow just words, a covenant was raped. Of loneliness, abandonment, hurt, fear and untold pain.
The cost of silence so much greater than most will ever sence. My choice alone, decisions made, I pay the consequence.

Just something to think about. The impact and influence you can have on someones life. Who has crossed your mind recently?

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